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  • Estie


It's already mid November, and Thanksgiving is almost upon us! We have had so many changes recently with moving to a new state, starting a new school, and just changing up our routine in general -- thankfully, it's all good changes! As I'm writing this, my family is en route to us, they're visiting the new house for the first time and I'm so excited to host them! This will also be our first year hosting Thanksgiving, so wish me luck :) In truth though, it will be quite small compared to our usual family shabbat and holiday meals, we're lucky to have "Thanksgiving" meals throughout the year.

Anyway, on top of everything house-related we've been dealing with, the first cold of the season hit us pretty hard and the kids have been home from school on and off the past two weeks, which set everything back even more. It's so frustrating when they keep passing it to each other! Luckily, they both went off to school in good spirits today (although it took some advanced negotiating to convince Sheva that her ballerina princess outfit is not weather appropriate), which gave me some time to get back in the swing of things.

Although I tend to get overambitious with my gift guides, I'm keeping things short and sweet this year, with an under $25 list, for her, for him, and for home. First things first, my best finds under $25, perfect for hostess gifts, holiday gift exchanges, or if you want to space out your Chanukah goodies over all 8 days instead of going with the all-in-one tactic.

1. Sure, a bottle of wine is always nice, but how thoughtful is to bring this painterly butter dish to your next holiday fete?

2. I just jumped on the Sugar Bear Hair bandwagon, and it's a game changer! Yummy tasting gummies instead of horse sized pills to swallow are worth every extra penny imho.

3. The PERFECT gold hoops at the PERFECT price, woohoo!

4. TBH I've been hesitating to try the smudge stick trend, but this palo santo incense crystal bundle is the prettiest way to get rid of bad vibes!

5. Clinique's chubby sticks have been my go-to lip treatment for ages, especially in these drier winter months.

6. My favorite bandana! It's so versatile (throw it on a bag, tie it on your ponytail) and comes in a variety of patterns.

7. The perfect travel companion, these rollerball perfume oils come in the most heavenly fragrances!

8. Another trend I have yet to get on board with (hint, hint ;), silk pillowcases stimulate your skin cells' metabolism, keep hair from getting frizzy, and are obvs super chic.

9. Bring a cute set of serving utensils as a hostess gift to your next dinner party and you'll be BFFs, it's the one thing everyone always need more of.

10. Ok, a little over $25 but I couldn't resist -- this 6 piece (!!) Turkish cotton towel set is amazingly soft, and such a great deal, perfect for that influx of holiday guests.


Got any more great suggestions? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to see what everyone's been finding! Stay tuned for my next gift guide, for all the ladies in your life :)




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